Activating AVG AntiVirus FREE on Windows | Install Avg With Activation Code


Activating AVG AntiVirus FREE on Windows

Install AVG AntiVirus FREE

Before checking your activated subscription, ensure that the latest version of AVG AntiVirus FREE is installed on your PC.

For detailed instructions to download and install AVG AntiVirus FREE on , refer to the following article:

  • Installing AVG AntiVirus FREE on Windows

Check your subscriptions

AVG AntiVirus Free activates automatically when installed on your PC. If you have more than one product installed on your PC, you can check which subscriptions are active at any time:

  1. In this section, you can check the following details:
    • Active: the green ACTIVE marker shows which subscriptions are active on your PC.
    • Expires: shows the date each subscription will expire, and the number of days remaining.
    • Subscription: shows the activation code for an active product.
  2. Open the AVG AntiVirus FREE user interface and go to Menu ▸ My Subscription.
  3. Scroll to Subscriptions on this PC and click the down arrow on the AVG AntiVirus FREE panel.

Upgrade to AVG Internet Security

If you want to unlock additional security features, upgrade from AVG AntiVirus FREE to AVG Internet Security. You can verify the paid features on included with AVG Internet Security in the Full Protection section on the main screen of AVG AntiVirus FREE. You can upgrade to Avg Activation Code Internet Security from AVG AntiVirus FREE or from an AVG Internet Security free trial version.

Upgrade from AVG AntiVirus FREE

  1. Open the AVG AntiVirus FREE user interface and go to ▸ My Subscription.
  2. Scroll to Subscriptions on this PC and click Upgrade Now in the AVG AntiVirus Free panel.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the purchase and download AVG Internet Security.

AVG Internet Security is now installed, activated, and ready to use.

Upgrade from a free-trial version of AVG Internet Security

When you install AVG AntiVirus FREE, you can optionally activate a free-trial version of AVG Internet Security. This free trial gives you access to all features included in AVG Internet Security for a limited time. To purchase a subscription for AVG Internet Security during the free-trial period:

  1. Open the AVG Internet Security user interface and go to Menu ▸ My Subscription.
  2. Scroll to Subscriptions on this PC and click Buy Now in the AVG Internet Security panel.
  3. Follow on-screen instructions to complete the purchase and download AVG Internet Security.

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